Commission status - Open

Terms Of Service
By buying off me you are agreeing to my Terms Of Service
—————————————Payment All payments must be made through PayPal You must be 13+ years or older to order from me or have permission from a parent/Guardian, I am not responsible for conflict between parents All payments must be made before I start on the commission When I send you your receipt my PayPal link will be attached to the bottom of it, Once I send you your receipt you have to make all payments within 72hrs afterwards or your commission will be denied I do take payment plans if the order is over $100 or if discussed I do not hold slots for people There are no refunds unless discussed If you sell my products you can only sell it for the original price you bought it for—————————————Contact I will regularly update you when I have done the sketch, line art, flat color, and shading, you can ask for updates if you haven’t heard from me in a while but please don’t rush me I will send you the sketch for approval when it’s drawn and finish it from there once approved When I send you the sketch this is the time to tell me if you want anything changed, It’s your commission so I want to make it the best I can for you as a commissioner once I start on the line art I will not change anything about the piece—————————————Respect disrespect of any kind will not be tolerated, if I feel disrespected by you your commission will be denied I will deny your order if I don’t feel comfortable working with you I will deny your order if you break any rules in my Terms of service Do not heavily reference my art If you so repost my art give proper credit Do not give out my PayPal or address All PayPals, addresses, and emails will stay completely private—————————————Cans and cantsI will not draw suicidal art
NSFW content
Fetish art
Complex designs
Complex outfits
homophobic art
racist art
hate in general
I will draw almost any animal
Background accessories
Heavy gore
—————————————Turn around time It can take to a week to a month to get your art piece done, I like to take my time so I don’t over work myselfShipping turn around time is difficult to keep track of. I wait until I have a big group of commission before I like to ship anything out so it might take a few weeks before yours gets shipped, but you’ll be updated through the process.Plaese do not rush me when it comes to commissions, it’s okay to check in every once in a while but I would appreciate if you didn’t rush me on the piece.—————————————Shipping information I will message you asking for your shipping address once I finish your piece Please double check to make sure your address is correct before sending it to me Once you send your address, I will send you a picture of your written address on your envelope to make sure it is correct Once the envelope is approved I will message you as soon as I send it out with the tracking numbers I am not responsible for lost\damaged mail—————————————Black list information If you break a rule in my T.O.S. you will be given a warning first but if you do it again (depending on what rule you broke) you could end up on the blacklist for 3 to 6 months If you continue to break my T.O.S. After your temporary ban you will be on the blacklist permanently Being on the blacklist does not mean I will block you, it simply means that I will have no contact with you what so ever and will not do business with you during your banif you get disrespectful when put on the blacklist your ban will go up, Please understand that I’d only blacklist someone if they continued to break my T.O.S.Thank you for reading this—————————————

✨Art Prices✨

Badge Commissions

Prisma colored headshot badge $20

Prisma colored headshot badge $20

Prisma colored headshot badge $20

Prisma colored half body badge $28

Prisma colored headshot badge $20

Prisma colored Full body badge $36

Prisma colored headshot badge $20

Pokémon card badges $15

Prisma colored headshot badge $20

Polaroid badge $20

Prisma colored headshot badge $20

Paw badge $6

Prisma colored headshot badge $20

Small fursona bundle $18

Prisma colored headshot badge $20

Posca colored headshot badge $15
Posca colored halfbody badge $23
Posca colored full body badge $31

Experimental pieces

Prisma colored headshot badge $20

Experimental art pieces can vary from $15 to $100 depending on what exactly you want! Can be realistic art, horror art, comics, etc. Can be made with almost anything, pencils, oil pastels, paint, digital, markers, etc! Dm me if you have any questions. Don’t be afraid to ask for a quote!

✨Shipping prices✨

USA shipping with tracking $5.50
USA shipping without tracking $3.50
I don’t ship outside the USA(Shipping prices may vary depending on what you order)